Brian Eno – Discreet Music

Discreet Music

And this! This is just incredible. I used to listen to the second side of this album all the time when I was coming home at 6:30 am after a nightshift.

Side 1 is Brian Eno ambient music and is pleasant to have playing in the background.

Side 2 is a collection of three variations of Pachabel’s Canon, each with the sheet music altered according to different criteria. I forget exactly how each one varies I’m sure it’ll be in the Wikipedia entry).

Tea, Biscuits, and Empire: The Long Con of Britishness♦

An interesting, insightful article on the nation-state as something that is suspended by disbelief, and where disagreements flare-up where what is believed differs widely between different groups.

A minor criticism from me is that the article contains many conflations of British, anglo-, and English. But since the main thrust of the piece is about how different people imagine a nation, I think it’s excusable. I, as a Scot who has never lived in any of the other nations of the UK, am of course keenly sensitive to any suggestion (intended or not) that England=the UK. That is how I imagine the UK. Penny will have her own, possibly anglo-centric, view. But that’s not unusual.

Willpower is for losers video

A very interesting video on the topic of willpower. This definitely rang true for me, especially during this time of home working.

I’ve never enjoyed working from home – I much prefer to be in the office with colleagues. Perhaps it’s also because in the office I don’t have to resist the temptation to look at something online or make myself another cup of tea or some other distracting activity – because it’s not an option.