Spent the evening moving my blog from a “menu-style” front page, back to a more lively activity feed.

I think I’d still find it useful to be able to exclude certain Post Kinds from the main feed (Bookmarks, for example, are more useful to me than they are interesting to everyone else)

The amalgamated menu items were useful in the end – I’ve moved these into a Post Kinds Menu.

Also added a few key RSS feeds for microblogs, photos and stuff I’ve read.


Today was quite computer-heavy for a Saturday but quite productive in a few ways:

  • I published a blog post about my memories of the Glasgow Art School Union on (roughly) the 10th anniversary of its demolition. I POSSE’d this to a number of silos and, with previous fixes to my blog in place,  the likes and mentions were displayed appropriately. Yay me!
  • I connected to my WordPress host via Atom and SFTP. I had been using cpanel for any updates to the code, which is a bit clumsy. Within minutes of wondering if Atom could connect directly, I had found a YouTube tutorial and followed the instructions. This allowed me to update some minor cosmetic details which made me happy but more importantly leaves the door open for bigger changes and more learning later on, including better Indieweb-Fediverse integration of my blog via Bridgy Fed. Ditto, woo!
  • I’ve been trying to use Obsidian for Personal Knowledge Management, something I’ve never done before. Obsidian makes this an absolute cinch, although I’m still just beginning to make myself take notes and process the information from books, podcasts and videos I consume. I do enjoy having a bit of a “mental wander” through what I’ve written so far with a view to improving what I’ve already written and making connections elsewhere. Again, booyakasha!

Like many people, I probably spend too much time in front of a screen. But today’s activities have at least been productive.

This was my first time attending one of the Homebrew Website Club events and had a very interesting, thoughtful discussion with the other participants.

It’s got me thinking that one of the next things I should do with my page is to try to minimise the “firehose” aspect of my page. The theme I’m using doesn’t really lend itself to having my most recent post displayed front and centre when someone accesses my home domain. Will have a think about approaches – a sticky post or a static page are the options that immediately come to mind.

This is such a great idea, James – I’m looking forward to seeing what you do with it next!

(I’m hoping that my webmentions are working enough for this to get through)

@abcminded I’ve got it working on Firefox by adding the json file from the source as a temp add-on, but it doesn’t persist after restarting Firefox.

I could be wrong, but I understand that recent versions of Firefox require add-ons to be signed via submission to Mozilla.

So I that, thanks to the excellent WordPress plugin designed by @pfefferle, my website should now directly piped in to the fediverse – woo!

I’ll be playing with this over the next few days, especially to explore the possibilities of using this solution for photos.

One month back on the indieweb

Latest Update

2 March 2020: So, 1 month back on the indieweb. Depite it being a very busy month at work, I’ve dipped my toes more and more into the indieweb. Not always successfully, but getting there.

I’m fascinated by the generational concept of the indieweb, and suspect that for all my techno-joy, I’m definitely a lot closer to generation 3 or 4 than 1 or 2. I don’t code, other than very, *very* basic html and if I’m honest, I don’t really understand what an ‘endpoint’ is or what it does.

Despite this, I’ve cobbled together a (sometimes) functioning indieweb site. I still get a *lot* of errors on bridgy and I’m not entirely sure why.

Next Steps

I’d actually like to participate in the community more, despite my lack of technical skill. One way I think I could do this is by assisting on the wiki. My day job involves distilling a lot of complicated information and distilling it down into crisp, clear language. I think I could do the same here.

And on the website, I’d like to sort out the sidebar – the Author profile h-card witget doesn’t really fit in (it’s justified in the wrong direction), so I’d like to work out the html to include my image and rel=me links without using the ‘off the shelf’ widget, useful though it is for newcomers like myself.

Finally, to use my website more and more as my portal to the internet and social media less. The bridgy errors are my main obstacle to this, but so is just changing my own habits.